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InfinixTM Universal Bond Primer & Bond (5 ml bottle each)

InfinixTM Universal Bond Primer & Bond (5 ml bottle each)

Infinix™ Universal Bond is a resin based bond system consisting of a self-etch Primer and a light-cured Bonding agent. It is designed to enhance penetration into prepared enamel and dentin surfaces and to establish strong adhesion between mineralized dental surfaces & restorative materials. The Primer simultaneously treats both dentin and enamel. The inclusion of Nobio QASi Antimicrobial technology makes it a revolutionary new way to protect the tooth-restoration interface against harmful bacteria.

Product Benefits

  • First FDA-cleared Bonding Agent that can claim “an antibacterial cavity cleansing effect”

  • Excellent bond strength due to 10-MDP, an adhesion promoter

  • Self-Etch Two-Step Bonding System (Prime and Bond)

  • Selective Enamel Etch technique is recommended

  • Optimized marginal efficacy

Physical Properties

  •       Contains QASi Antimicrobial Fillers
  • Curing wavelength: 400-500 nm
  • Curing light intensity: ≥ 1000 mW/cm2
  • Bond agent curing time: 10 sec.

Indications for Use

1) Direct restorations using light-cured composite resin. 

2) Cavity sealing as a pretreatment for indirect restorations.

3) Treatment of hypersensitive teeth and/or exposed root surfaces.

4) Intraoral repairs of fractured crowns/bridges made of porcelain, hybrid ceramics or composite resin using light-cured composite resin.

5) Surface treatment of prosthetic appliances made of porcelain, hybrid ceramics, or cured composite resin.

6) Core build-ups using light-cured or dual-cured composite resin.

7) Cavity sealing under amalgam restorations. 

For indications 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 the device exhibits an antibacterial cavity cleansing effect.

Maximum Antibacterial Effectiveness and Bond Strength

Use InfinixTM Universal Bond Primer & Bond with all Composites

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